Reconfiguring Consumption and Production in Asia and the Pacific
About the Policy Brief

The aim of this policy brief "Reconfiguring Consumption and Production in Asia and the Pacific" is to stimulate policy discussions on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in Asia and the Pacific for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG-Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.
The policy brief introduces SCP in the context of the Asia-Pacific region, and presents four strategic directions for the SCP policy-makers to consider. Based on these strategic considerations, it highlights 12 emerging opportunities that the region can take advantage of, in order to further advance SCP. These include, but not limited to, market trends in favor of circular economy and sustainable value chain, development of tailored information to influence consumers' choice and behaviours, and utilization of newly emerged digital tools and technologies such as AI and IoT.
This policy brief is a summary version of a comprehensive policy report that was published by the 11 member institutions of a research project "Policy Design and Evaluation to Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in Asian Region (PECoP-Asia)" in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP). The project was supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund of the Ministry of Environment of Japan.
Several NIES researchers, who are the members of the project's sub-theme "Transition Measures of Asian Consumption and Production Patterns Based on Activities and Dynamics of Diverse Stakeholders (S-16-2)", have contributed to the publication of the policy report and the brief.